112 pages
ISBN: 978-0-937804-42-1
Publication date: September 1991
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by Jackson Mac Low
The master of chance operations has composed 100 separate poems intuitively and spontaneously. The title, Twenties, refers to the poems 'physical form: each has twenty lines, divided into five nonmetrical quatrains. Though written by largely "subjective" methods, these poems both problematize the subject from which they proceed and empower each reader to become a coproducer of their meaning.
"Mac Low . . . gives exact attention. No added flavor: just it. His poetry sets us ecstatic, though he insists we speak it 'soberly and clearly (as in serious conversation).' Musician, he introduced poetry to orchestra without syntax. Poet, he 'sets all well afloat.' That's why his poetry, even though it looks like it, is poetry."- John Cage