60 pages
ISBN: 978-0-937804-28-5
Publication date: September 1988
$20.00 - Paperback
$5.00 - Digital
by P. Inman
"Inman reaquaints us with a full blown sensual apprehension of language-a luxury we can't or don't permit ourselves when semantics predominates... It is Inman's pleasure to explore the warp and woof of the fabric of our linguistic intentions with all the meticulous humor words such as warp and woof evoke. Here the substantiating quality of the talisman, if nothing else, tranforms our perceptions."
- Joan Retallack, Parnassus
"Peter Inman has been one of the few American poets who has helped to bring the "transtational" poetics of the Russian Futurists into American poetry. In its fractures, stuttering starts and stops, collisions of meaning and sound, and glossalia, Inman's poetry is at once intensely private and extensively public. The poems of P. Inman contain a language that is spoken by no one, yet everyday, in our repetitions and confusions, and in our daily usage of the private languages of home, love, and office, we will speak forever."
- Douglas Messerli