191 pages
ISBN: 978-0-937804-84-1
Publication date: April 2000




by Corinne Robins

"Corinne Robins' passionate feat is remaining in awe of art and curious about the art world while observing both with insight and wicked humor. Her compassionate, complex relationships with paintings-and with painters-nowfinds its ultimate expression in that other art of the image, poetry. Abstract, funky, and plain-spoken, never merely observant and always fully engaged, Robins is a roving intellectual who creates her poems from a visual milieu and excitedly pinches us with her zest for visual myth and glory. Marble Goddesses with Technicolor Skins is her golden hour."
Molly Peacock

"As the boundaries of literary form give way to new possibilities, innovative modes of poetry exemplify how art critical perception need no longer cloak itself in professional garb. Corinne Robins' Marble Goddesses with Technicolor Skins combines critical acumen, thrilling lyricism, and asupremely sensitive eye and ear for the sensual evocation of visual detail. Robins' piercing shafts of aesthetic and psychological insight will no doubt illuminate the cognoscenti of art and poetry and will unabashedly enlighten the uninitiated."
Nick Piombino