Kit Robinson


by Kit Robinson

Roof Books is proud to present Kit Robinson’s Thought Balloon as part of his continuing experiment with what’s occurring for him right now while he’s writing. “Time is scenes. / Cut the deck / And lay the cards down one by one.”

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by Kit Robinson

"The centerpiece of Kit Robinson's new book is a sort of do-it-yourself panic ode, a high-wire juggling act, a breathless farce in which every word seems to be knocked out in a fast-paced narrative of love and capitalism."
- Beverly Dahlen

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by Kit Robinson

Democracy Boulevard is the accident strewn one-way street studded with industrial parks and hospitality suites that dead-ends in just front of the fortress of Consolidated Capital….”

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by Kit Robinson

"There is a pacific, morning coolness about Kit Robinson's Ice Cubes. These poems seem, in their reserved, slightly removed chilliness, to forecast the heat of the day, and the fuller poems such as "Nesting of Layer Protocols," "Rented Objects," and "Forgotten Algebra" in which the mind that talks inhabits the body that walks."
- Alan Davies

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