104 pages
ISBN: 978-0-937804-59-9
Publication date: September 1994
$20.00 - Paperback
$3.99 - Kindle Edition
by Stacy Doris
"An explosion of verbal fireworks Adorno might have envisioned on a dark night after too many reruns of a post-doctorate thesis on the subtext of the multicultural aspects of original sin as pictured on daytime TV. Here is the post-Steinian, post-Freudian Portrait of PoMo Times. Watch out! Generation-X+1 has just found its Boswell, and her name is Stacy Doris."
- Ann Lauterbach
"A tantalizing wacky, ideolectical treat for ears & what minds 'em. Here you will find (amidst arctic uncles on rollerblades, basketball-size dyokes, the world's largest crackerjack, and cameo appearances by a contortionist & a nurse sorceress), the brain of Dr. Kildare's network arch-rival, Ben Casey, in the textual body of all those enduring charms upon which Stacy Doris lays new & resounding claim. For those looking for the direction of poetry, Kildare is ready & on call, bubbling and singing with voices fresh and tonic."
- Charles Bernstein