Fiona Templeton
by Fiona Templeton
Fiona Templeton takes the most basic and ubiquitous of forms, the journey story, and extracts its governing drives. Like a previous generation of radical feminist spinners of word-forms Templeton takes a stand for the primacy of language in shaping the world of experience and in constructing female subjectivity—over a lifetime….
by Fiona Templeton
“You the City” was an intimate Manhattanwide play for an audience of one. On keeping an appointment at an office in Times Square, a client (audience memeber) was passed through a series of mainly scripted encounters at both indoor and outdoor locations in Midtown and the Westside of Manhattan, including a church, an apartment, a car ride, and reaching a climax of realization when the client became the object of one of the various handoffs in a Hell's Kitchen playground.