182 pages
ISBN: 978-0-937804-34-6
Publication date: September 1989

$30.00 - Hardcover

182 pages
Publication date: September 1989

$20.00 - Paperback

$5.00 - Digital



by Larry Eigner

"In [Eigner's] work "eternity is in love with the productions of time"; everything shows it forth moment by moment."
- Beverly Dahlen

"Live thinking-rather than "theory"-about poetry & prose & living & dying, often starting from or turning into poetry as easily as rivers & puddles become clouds become rain. Short pieces full of unexpected sparks & takes. Essays, letters, reviews, apercus—starting from anywhere at hand (often with "input" from "media"), ending somewhere we're surprised to get to. Too much fun to call criticsm-or the best kind. A pleasure to live with."
- Jackson Mac Low